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Audit and Assurance

Audit and Assurance

  • Statutory audit and review of annual financial statements.
  • Review of accounting and internal control systems and procedures.
  • Due diligence.
  • Special purpose audits e.g. Project Audits, forensic Audit

Statutory Audit: In simple terms statutory audit in India is equated with Audit under the Companies Act. Every company incorporated under the companies’ act is required to get its accounts audited by a Certified Public Accountant of Kenya (CPAK) to ensure true and fair view of the accounts. Further, the auditor has to ensure compliance with various provisions of the Companies Act and other Statutes. Statutory Audit ensures reliability of annual accounts of the company for various consumers of Audited Financial Statements of the Company like government, shareholders, debtors, creditors, bankers etc.

The complexity of Statutory Audit Function has increased manifolds during recent times. Globalization, Fast Changing Business and Statutory environment combined with need for synchronization with various global accounting standards and ever-increasing reliance on audited accounts by a variety of interested parties has put ever increasing responsibilities on the shoulders of any statutory auditor.

How we can help: Our firm is well equipped and well experienced in Statutory Audit and we perform it as per the Audit Program designed for the company after assessment of their Internal Control.

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